Illustration Panamá – Extension of metro Line 1 : supply and install track and catenary equipment

Panamá – Extension of metro Line 1 : supply and install track and catenary equipment

TCP RAIL INC., a company owned by TSO, subsidiary of NGE, and its partner CIM, was awarded by Metro de Panamá S.A. the contract to supply and install track and rigid catenary equipment for the northern extension of line 1 of the metro. The company was also awarded a new contract for the maintenance of line 2 (catenaries, track and workshop equipment) for a duration of three years.

The construction of the northern extension of line 1 awarded to TSO includes the design, supply and laying of the track and the rigid catenary. This 2.2 km viaduct section will connect San Isidro station, current terminus, to the future terminus of the line in Villa Zaíta.

This extension will transport up to 10,000 passengers per hour and will have a multimodal bus and taxi platform at its terminus, as well as a park-and-ride facility with a capacity of 800 vehicles. Its construction is also included in this project.

The 300 employees mobilised at the peak of activity will have to lay the tracks and catenary in five months: a real challenge in terms of logistics and planning.

The TSO – CIM teams are currently finalising work on the extension of line 2, which includes two passenger stations, ITSE and Airport, which will benefit thousands of residents and tourists visiting Tocumen International Airport each year.


Short facts

Extension of line 1

Companies: TCP RAIL INC. : joint-venture TSO – CIM

Contract value: 13.9 million dollars USD

2.2km of track on viaduct

October 2022: Work begins

May 2023: Start of testing


Renewal of line 2 maintenance contract

Companies: TCP RAIL INC. : joint-venture TSO – CIM

Contract value: 6.9 million dollars USD

22 km of track on viaduct and 5.7 km of workshop tracks

Expertise: Track – Catenary – Workshop equipment

April 2022 – April 2025 (duration of 3 years)